Senator Kennedy represented Massachusetts from 1962 until the time of his passing in 2009 making him the third longest sitting United States Senator in history. During that time close to 1,000 staffers called the “Lion of the Senate” their boss. Senator Kennedy’s D.C. staff was often referred to as “the best and the brightest” working on Capital Hill. The staff included those working on his personal Senate staff in Washington, D.C., his D.C. Committee staff and his Boston, Massachusetts issues were handled, and his extraordinary constituent work was done.
Kennedy alums are a tightknit family and still loyal to their old boss even after his death. The Edward M. Kennedy Institute is fortunate to have their advice, their expertise on issues and their historical knowledge of the legislative work done over the course of 47 years. Seventy four alums also participated in Senator Kennedy’s Oral History Project. Those interviews are available at the link below. They are a fascinating insight to relationships and the work of the U.S. Senate.
In addition, alums also support the Institute with their personal donations and by becoming members of the alumni only Kennedy Staff Club (KSC). The KSC allows them the opportunity to stay connected with one another by attending get togethers in both Washington, D.C. and Boston, MA, as well as stay informed of Kennedy Institute work and programs.
Alumni Reflections
Read insight written by alumni about the experiences they had while working with Senator Kennedy.
Kennedy Staff Club
Former office staffers and campaign workers are invited to join the Kennedy Staff Club.