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Inspired Leadership Award Dinner Sponsors and Contributors

Platinum Sponsors
Eastern Bank Foundation
Adrea Heebe
Ambassador Victoria Reggie Kennedy

Gold Sponsors
Jay Bisognano, Torrington Properties
Peter and Judy Blum-Kovler Foundation
Citizens Private Bank
Stephanie Cutter, Precision Strategies
Mrs. Gerard F. Doherty
The Law Offices of Kenneth R. Feinberg PC and Ms. Camille S. Biros
The Honorable Patrick J. Kennedy
Marwood Group
Bruce A. Percelay, Mount Vernon Company

Bronze Sponsor
The Katie McGrath & JJ Abrams Family Foundation

Supporters and Contributors
Dr. Claudia A. Arrigg and Dr. Howard K. Koh Fund
Fatima Bajwa
James T. Brett, The New England Council
Greg Craig
Jill Daschle
The Honorable Thomas A. Daschle
Geri Denterlein
Chris and Sally Doherty
Paul Donovan
Laurel Ferretti
John F. Fitzgerald
The Honorable Cory Gardner
Carol R. Goldberg, Deborah B. Goldberg & Michael Winter
John F. Gorman
Karen T. Gorman
Robert Harding, Stifel Nicolaus
Jack Harrington
Pam Herbst
Mary R. Jeka
Cody Keenan
The Honorable Paul G. Kirk Jr.
Robert Kretschmar
Jenny Littlefield
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Caroline & Anton Melchionda
Karyn Polito
David Quade
Walter J. Ramos
Steven Rothstein
George & Stefania Mallett, Boston Hub Society
Alexander Thomson & Carol Michaelsen
Graham Shalgian
Barbara and Eric Sheffels
Dr. William Kennedy Smith
Rom Wilson
Steve Woit
Jarret A. Wright

as of March 26, 2024


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