Bolstering Funding and Practices for Resilient Elections
American politics is more polarized today than ever before, resulting in many democratic institutions becoming political targets. Local and state election systems are at the forefront—frontline election workers are leaving the field at alarming rates and public trust in election results is deteriorating. As pressure mounts on our state and local election systems, insufficient funding for this vital government service has failed to be addressed, impacting election security and infrastructure.
The Edward M. Kennedy Institute and the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics have assembled a team of policy experts and practitioners to examine why the study of funding our election systems is so difficult as compared to other government services and to highlight models of success at the local level.
“This partnership between the Dole and Kennedy Institutes underscores that building a resilient election process is not a partisan issue, but one our entire country must get behind.”
Adam Hinds
CEO, Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate
“This project focuses on the fundamental resources – human and financial – that are required to administer secure and trusted elections, the foundation of our democracy.”
Audrey Coleman
Director, Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics
Watch Now: Designing Democracy in America

Election administrators serve as resource-strapped logistical experts, investing hours planning the voting process – from polling place locations, to ballot instructions, to poll worker training – all under the added strains of cybersecurity threats and supply chain shortages.
The Kennedy and Dole Institutes hosted a virtual conversation with Thomas Both and David Janka of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University to discuss their new exhibit on how local election officials tirelessly design fair, free and safe elections, moderated by Tammy Patrick, Former Commissioner on the Presidential Commission on Election Administration.
Watch Videos from the 2024 Election Administration Symposium
Over the course of two days in February 2024, the Institutes convened election officials and policy experts in Lawrence, Kansas at the Dole Institute to evaluate why the study of our elections funding is so difficult as compared to other government services and to learn about election administration case studies directly from chief and local election officials.
Full Schedule of Symposium Events
Bolstering Elections Administration: A Conversation with State and Local Officials
with Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab and Douglas County, KS Clerk Jamie Shew

Level Setting: Overview of Election Administration Landscape
with Prof. Mitchell Brown, Auburn University

Level Setting: Why is the Study of Election Funding So Difficult?
with Prof. Charles Stewart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Case Study: Elections in North Carolina
with Prof. Zach Mohr, University of Kansas, and Prof. Martha Kropf, University of North Carolina

A Conversation with Election Assistance Commissioners
with U.S. Election Assistance Commissioners Donald Palmer and Benjamin Hovland

The Kansas Connection: In Conversation with Local Officials
with Jamie Doss, Saline County, KS Clerk, and Janet Paddock, Franklin County, KS Clerk

Watch Working Group Member Prof. Zach Mohr, University of Kansas, Testify to the Committee on Administration Hearing
Working Group Participants
The Dole and Kennedy Institutes have convened a core group of experts to examine the complex question of why the study of funding our election systems is so difficult as compared to other government services.

Tammy Patrick
Former Commissioner on the Presidential Commission on Election Administration

Dr. Mitchell Brown
Auburn University

Dr. Paul Gronke
Reed College

Dr. Kathleen Hale
Auburn University

Dr. Martha Kropf
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Dr. Paul Manson
Reed College

Dr. Zach Mohr
University of Kansas

Rachel Orey
Bipartisan Policy Center

Dr. Charles Stewart

Matt Weil
Bipartisan Policy Center

“The Right To Vote Is The Fundamental Political Right In Our Constitutional System. It Is The Cornerstone Of All Our Other Basic Rights. It Guarantees That Our Democracy Will Be A Government Of The People And By The People, Not Just For The People.”