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Pathways Programs

Pathways to Citizenship: These pre-visit lessons will inform your students about immigration policy and prepare your class to take part in the Pathways to Citizenship Program at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute. All materials can be utilized in conjunction with your visit to the Institute or as stand alone lessons within your classroom. 

Preparing for Pathways to Citizenship Lesson Plan

Powerpoint: Preparing for Pathways to Citizenship Lesson 1 

Powerpoint: Preparing for Pathways to Citizenship Lesson 2 

Student Resource: Biographies for Pathways to Citizenship (Grades 4-6) 

Student Resource: Biographies for Pathways to Citizenship

Student Resource: Rights and Responsibilities Worksheet

Additional Resource: Pathways to Citizenship Step Inside This House Activity 

Pathways to Environmental Justice:
These pre-visit lessons will inform your students about climate and environmental issues facing the United States and prepare your class to take part in the Pathways to Environmental Justice Program at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute. All materials can be utilized in conjunction with your visit to the Institute or as stand alone lessons within your classroom. 

Preparing for Pathways to Environmental Justice Lesson Plan

Powerpoint: Preparing for Pathways to Environmental Justice Lesson 1

Powerpoint: Preparing for Pathways to Environmental Justice Lesson 2

Student Resource: Climate Change Video Handout

Student Resource: Biographies for Pathways to Environmental Justice

Additional Resource: Pathways to Environmental Justice Political Autobiography 


Pathways to Artificial Intelligence Regulation: This pre-visit lesson will inform your students about artificial intelligence, students will define artificial intelligence and apply their learning to real world examples in preparation for their visit to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute. All materials can be utilized in conjunction with your visit to the Institute or as a stand alone lesson in your classroom.

What is AI? Lesson Plan

What is AI? Slides